스트라스클라이드 대학교 "조선,해양,마린" 한인 홈페이지
(University of Strathclyde)
수업석사 전공 (MSc)
한국과 달리 영국은 석사과정이 수업석사 (MSc) 또는 연구석사 (MPhi)로 나뉘어져 있습니다. 우리 스트라스클라이드 대학의 경우, 각 1년 과정입니다.
수업 석사는 9월부터 이듬해 4월까지 강의를 듣고, 4월부터 8월까지 개인 논문을 제출하여 학위를 받는 과정입니다.
반면, 연구석사는 아무때나 시작해서 1년동안 주구장창 연구만 하다가 논문 제출해서 학위를 받는 과정입니다.
일반적으로는 영국 유학생들은 '수업석사'가 대부분이고 간혹 '연구석사'를 하시는 분들이 있으십니다.
수업 석사과정의 경우, 오른쪽과 같이 총 6개의 전공이 있으며, 그중에 Ship and Offshore Techonology 전공은 함브르크 대학과 joint 된 전공으로 과정이 2년 입니다.
첫 1년은 우리 대학에서 수업을 받고 2년차는 함부르크 학에서 수업을 받게 됩니다.
2019-20 석사과정 학비: £20,050
Sustainable Engineering
Offshore Renewable Engineering
[수강 과목]
Compulsory Modules:
• Sustainability
• Sustainable Engineering Group Project
• Energy Resources and Policy
• Electrical Power Systems
• Finite Element Analysis of Floating Structures
• Renewable Marine Energy Systems
Optional Modules:
• Design Management
• Financial Engineering
• Risk Management
• Environmental Impact Assessment
Marine Engineering
[수강 과목]
• Advanced Marine Engineering
• Marine Engineering Simulation and Modelling
• Inspection and Survey
• Maritime Safety and Risk
• Marine Transport and Economics
• Information Management
• Risk Management
• Financial Engineering
• Systems Availability and Maintenance
• Design Management
• Onboard Energy Management and Marine Environment Protection
• Environmental Impact and Sustainability
• Project Management
Offshore Floating Systems
[수강 과목]
• Inspection and Survey
• Maritime Safety and Risk
• Design and Construction of FPSOs
• Risers and Mooring Lines
• Dynamics of Floating Offshore Installations
• Offshore Engineering Practice
• Finite Element Analysis of Floating Structures
• Advanced Marine Structures
Subsea & Pipeline Engineering
[수강 과목]
• Maritime Safety and Risk
• Risers and Mooring Lines
• Marine Pipelines
• Subsea Systems and Installation
• Offshore Engineering Practice
• Subsurface Technology
• Marine Pipeline Integrity
• Dynamics of Floating Offshore Installations
Ship and Offshore Technology
MSc (two-year programme offered jointly with Hamburg University of Technology)
[수강 과목]
Year 1 (University of Strathclyde):
• Offshore Engineering Practice
• Risers and Mooring Lines
• Marine Pipelines
• Dynamics of Floating Offshore Installations
• Maritime safety and risk
• Design and Construction of Floating, Production,
Storage and Offloading Vessels
• Theory and Practice of Marine CFD
• Inspection and survey
• Group Project
• Research Project
Year 2 (Hamburg University of Technology):
Compulsory classes:
• Structural Analysis of Ships and Offshore Structures
• Ship Design
• Ship Vibration
• Master Thesis
Elective Classes:
• Non-Linear Structural Analysis
• Fatigue Strength of Ships and Offshore Structures
• Arctic Technology
• Innovative CFD Approaches
• Manoeuvrability and Shallow Water Ship Hydrodynamics
• Seakeeping of Ships and Laboratory on Naval Architecture
Ship and Offshore Structures
[수강 과목]
• Risers and Mooring Lines
• Reliability-based Marine Structural Design including Plated Structures
• Computational Modelling of Problems in Plated Mechanics
• Materials Engineering
• Dynamics of Floating Offshore Installations
• Advanced Marine Structures
• Finite Element Analysis of Floating Structures
학사 전공 (BSc)
영국 (스코틀랜드)은 학사과정은 한국과 마찬가지로 4년 과정 입니다. 특이사항은, 4년 후 평점이 좋은 학생들을 대상으로 석사과정을 할 수 있는 기회가 주어집니다.
2019-20 석사과정 학비: £20,050
Naval Architecture and MarineEngineering
[수강 과목]
Year 1
Engineering Mechanics 1 (20)
Introduction to Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (20), Analysis Tools for Marine Design (20)
Engineering Mathematics (40), Elective classes (20)
Year 2
Hydrostatics and Stability of Marine Vehicles (20)
Marine Engineering Fundamentals (20)
Principles of Marine Design and Production (20)
Analysis and Design of Marine Structures 1 (20)
Engineering Applications for Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (20), Engineering Mathematics 3 (20)
Year 3
Professional Development and Marine Business (20)
Marine Design (20)
Hydrodynamics, Resistance and Propulsion (20)
Marine Engineering Systems and Control (20)
Analysis and Design of Marine Structures 2 (20)
The Marine Environment (10)
Principles and Application of Marine Machinery (10)
Year 4
Seakeeping and Manoeuvring (20),
Theory and Practice of Marine CFD (10),
Finite Element Analysis of Marine Structures (10)
Marine Power and Electrical Systems (20),
Marine Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (10), Marine Transmission and Propulsion Systems (10),
Marine Engineering Project (40)
Year 5 (MEng)
Group Design Project (40),
Advanced Marine Design (20),
Waterborne Transportation Systems(10),
The Marine Regulatory Framework (10),
Renewable Marine Energy Systems (10),
On-board Energy Management and Environment Protection (10), Advanced Marine Engineering (10),
Marine Engineering Simulation & Modelling (10),
Systems Availability and Maintenance (10)
Naval Architecture with Ocean Engineering
[수강 과목]
Year 1
Engineering Mechanics 1 (20),
Introduction to Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (20),
Analysis Tools for Marine Design (20),
Engineering Mathematics (40),
Elective classes (20)
Year 2
Hydrostatics and Stability of Marine Vehicles (20),
Marine Engineering Fundamentals (20),
Principles of Marine Design and Production (20),
Analysis and Design of Marine Structures 1 (20),
Engineering Applications for Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (20),
Engineering Mathematics 3 (20)
Year 3
Professional Development and Marine Business (20),
Marine Design (20),
Hydrodynamics, Resistance and
Propulsion (20),
Marine Engineering Systems and Control (20),
Analysis and Design of Marine Structures 2 (20),
Marine Environment (10), Offshore Oil and Gas Production Systems (10)
Year 4
Seakeeping and Manoeuvring (20),
Theory and Practice of Marine CFD (10),
Finite Element Analysis of Marine
Structures (10),
Ship Structural Dynamics (10),
Structural Reliability (10), Dynamics of Offshore Structures (20),
Engineering Project (40)
Year 5 (MEng)
Group Design Project (40),
Advanced Marine Design (20),
Waterborne Transportation Systems(10),
The Marine Regulatory Framework (10),
Renewable Marine Energy Systems (10), On-board Energy Management and Environment Protection (10),
Risers and Mooring Lines (10),
Design and Construction of FPSO’s (10),
Systems Availability and Maintenance (10)
Naval Architecture with High-Performance Marine Vehicles
[수강 과목]
Year 1
Engineering Mechanics 1 (20),
Introduction to Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (20),
Analysis Tools for Marine Design (20),
Engineering Mathematics (40),
Elective classes (20)
Year 2
Hydrostatics and Stability of Marine Vehicles (20)
, Marine Engineering Fundamentals (20)
, Principles of Marine Design and Production (20)
, Analysis and Design of Marine Structures 1 (20),
Engineering Applications for Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (20),
Engineering Mathematics 3 (20)
Year 3
Professional Development and Marine Business (20),
Marine Design (20),
Hydrodynamics, Resistance and Propulsion (20),
Marine Engineering Systems and Control (20),
Analysis and Design of Marine Structures 2 (20),
The Marine Environment (10),
Yacht and Powercraft Design (10)
Year 4
Seakeeping and Manoeuvring (20),
Theory and Practice of Marine CFD (10),
Finite Element Analysis of Marine Structures (10),
High Performance Marine Structures (20),
High Performance Sailing Yachts (10),
High Speed Ships (10),
High Performance Marine Vehicles Project (40)
Year 5
(MEng) Group Design Project (40),
Advanced Marine Design (20),
Waterborne Transportation Systems(10),
The Marine Regulatory Framework (10),
Renewable Marine Energy Systems (10),
On-board Energy Management and Environment Protection (10),
Computational Free Surface Hydrodynamics (10),
Systems Availability and aintenance (10),
Dynamics of High Performance Marine Vehicles (10)
학사 파운데이션 과정
'대학 예비 과정' 이라고 불리는 이 과정은 스코틀랜드에서 정규 고등학교 과정 (11, 12 학년)을 마치지 않은 학생들에게 1년의 예비과정 후에 입학을 가능하게 하는 제도입니다.
쉽게 말해 전공분야에 대한 사전지식을 습득할 수 있는 과정이라고 보시면 좋습니다. 이는 우리나라 대학의 학부 과정 중 교양과목을 수학하는 1학년 과정과 유사하므로,우리나라에서 고등학교만 졸업한 학생의 경우 영국 대학의 학부 과정에 진학하기 전에 이 예비과정을 거쳐야만 합니다.
대략 1년 과정이며, "국제학생 특례 입학과정" 으로 이해하시면 좋을 것 같습니다. 파운데이션 과정을 수료하면 본과 2학년으로 편입 됩니다.
학부 파운데이션 과정
September 2019 start
Term 1: 16 September 2019 to 06 December 2019
Term 2: 06 January 2020 to 20 March 2020
Term 3: 30 March 2020 to 19 June 2020
January 2020 start
Term 1: 06 January 2020 to 20 March 2020
Term 2: 30 March 2020 to 05 June 2020
Term 3: 08 June 2020 to 21 August 2020
석사 Pre-master 또는 프리세셔널 과정
Foundation 1-4, plus Modules 1-3
Foundation 2-4, plus Modules 1-3
Foundation 3-4, plus Modules 1-3
Foundation 4,
plus Modules 1-3
Modules 1-3
Modules 2-3
Module 3
42 weeks
32 weeks
24 weeks
18 weeks
12 weeks
8 weeks
4 weeks
8 October 2018 - 6 September 2019
14 January - 6 September 2019
4 March - 6 September 2019
4 March - 6 September 2019
(F3 ends 3 May 2019)
6 May - 6 September 2019
17 June - 6 September 2019
15 July - 6 September 2019
12 August - 6 September
£1,500/ can be FREE
석사 Pre-sessional (또는 Pre-master 과정)
학부 지원을 위한 파운데이션 과정과 대비되는 '예비석사과정'으로 이해를 하면 좋을 것 같습니다.
석사예비과정은 영국 대학교에서 석사 또는 박사과정을 시작하기 전 영어와 영국 학업환경에서 미리 준비를 하고 싶어하는 외국학생들을 대상으로 합니다. 프리마스터의 성적에 따라 석사 입학 합격 여부가 판가름 납니다.
또한, 프리마스터에서의 영어과목 성적이 인정되어 본 대학으로 진학 할 경우 IELTS를 다시 볼 필요가 없습니다. 따라서, 이 과정을 통해 석사 지원시 영어 성적이 부족한 경우에 본인의 성적에 따라 영어과정을 수강할 수 있습니다.
IELTS 점수에 따라 수료해야 하는 과정이 다릅니다. 자세한 사항은 아래 링크를 참조하세요.
학부 파운데이션 과정: http://isc.strath.ac.uk/programmes/undergraduate-foundation
석사 파운데이션 과정: https://www.strath.ac.uk/studywithus/englishlanguageteaching/pre-sessionalfoundationmodules1-3academicenglishstudyskills2018-2019/
인세셔널 영어 과정
대학 입학후, 외국인들을 위한 영어수업 과정입니다.
재학생의 경우, 일주일에 최대 4시간까지 무료로 수업을 들을수 있습니다. 대게 10월에 영어 수업 과정 스케쥴이 학교 홈페이 내의 본인 계정에 posting 되고, 담당자에게 메일을 보내어 수강신청을 하시면 됩니다.
1년에 5과정이 진행 되고 각 과정은 5주로 구성됩니다. 학생 뿐만아니라 배우자의 경우에도 1과목당 (1과정당) 50 파운드를 지불하고 수업을 들을 수 있습니다. 각 과목이 일주일에 2시간 입니다.
2019-20 학년도 인세셔널 영어 과정 스케쥴
Series 1: 7 October - 8 November, 2019
Series 2: 11 November - 13 December, 2019
Series 3: 27 January - 28 February, 2020
Series 4: 2 March - 3 April, 2020
Series 5: 20 April - 22 May, 2020
관련 링크: https://www.strath.ac.uk/studywithus/englishlanguageteaching/in-sessionalgeneralenglishenglishforacademicpurposes/